I’ve reached the point in development where I need to start registering for things, so I needed to finalize the name. After a lot of consideration, I’ve settled on The Dripstone Caverns. A domain was registered at thedripstone.com but I want a full alpha demo to be playable before I start adding anything there. I’ve also set up a Twitter account for the game at @DripstoneCavern but again all real dev news is going to be posted here, but I just wanted to get my names secured where I have to.
(If you missed the intro post, get caught up here)

Ultimately I needed these pieces to be in place so I can start minting game assets on the WAX blockchain. It seems that AtomicHub has made it more difficult to set up a collection and are asking for a lot of contact information up front. They used to let just anyone spin up a collection and start minting with a pretty strict whitelist verification process after the fact, but this feels like a good balance.
In the meantime I’ve started to design some player avatars. Ultimately I’d like to let the user pick from a variety of avatars to use in the game.

All player tokens will have the same functionality (storing XP, Level, Hit Points, etc.), but I want a variety of images for the tokens so players can play however they like, and also differentiate between tokens easily if they are playing two different games.

So what’s next? I’ll be setting up the official collection, then starting to mint NFTs off the official wallet. After that I’ll need to update my API calls to point to the new collection and verify it’s still working as intended. Then I’ll need to start working on log-in and inventory functionality. Catch you next time.
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